Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Rome, 28-31st May 2024)

Predicting Actions and Interactions: The Human Perspective

4th Workshop on Long-term Human Motion Prediction (LHMP) at ICRA 2022, May 23, 2022

Learning and Control in Skilled Interactions with Objects: A Task-Dynamic Approach

Workshop on Learning of Manual Skills in Humans and Robots at ICRA 2020, May 31, 2020

Human Control and Learning of Interactions with Complex Objects – A Task-Dynamics Approach

Workshop on Action Representations for Learning in Continuous Control at Robotics, Science and Systems 2020, July 13, 2020

Control of Dynamically Complex Objects

International Conference on Robotics and Automation- ICRA Workshops 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 23, 2019

The predictive impairment hypothesis in autism: An empirical assessment

Simons Foundation Autism Research Lecture Series, New York, December 12, 2018

Control of Intermittent and Continuous Interactions with Objects

2nd Workshop of the Anthropomorphic Motion Factory, Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements, Toulouse, France, November 19-20, 2015

Actions and interactions in the physical world

Invited Presentation at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany, September 26, 2014

The Neuroscience of Upper Extremities From Analysis to Assessment to Intervention

Workshop on Rehablitation Robotics and Neuroscience, Sao Paulo, Brasil, August 15, 2014

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