Todd Murphey presents his work during the Spring 2024 Action Club Series

Salah Bazzi presents work from the Action Lab

Paul Dizio presents his work during a Spring 2024 Action Club

We host a monthly Boston Action Club, where prominent scientists from Boston, US and international laboratories share their perspectives on a topic falling under a broad interdisciplinary umbrella of Human Motor Control. The talks engender extensive thought exchange, discussions and new insights.

Spring 2024 Schedule

All seminars are held in-person on Tuesdays every three weeks at 5:00-6:30 pm.

The location is 440 Egan building at Northeastern University.

If you would like to be on the mailing list to receive information and updates, send an email to

Marcia O'Malley, Jan. 16th, 2024 @ 5PM (POSTPONED to Dec. 10th)

Marcia O'Malley, Jan. 16th, 2024 @ 5PM (POSTPONED to Dec. 10th)

Mechanical Engineering, Rice University

Title: Guiding with Touch: Haptic Feedback for Enhancing Human Motor Performance

Abstract: Recent advances in virtual reality simulation and robotics have changed the way that motor skills are trained, yet the feedback that most trainees receive when working in these environments is still delayed, subjective, and qualitative, which does not provide the maximum support for rapid acquisition of motor skill. In this talk, I will describe our research on identifying objective and quantitative metrics that capture motor skills in a few different tasks, and I will present our methods for employing real-time haptic feedback and guidance. We have shown that different implementations of haptic guidance provided via kinesthetic feedback can have either negative, neutral, or positive effects on motor performance and skill acquisition. More recently, we have shifted to provide cutaneous haptic feedback for guidance or performance feedback. We have shown that low-level properties of movements (e.g., smoothness) made in the performance of several motor tasks—including surgery in both virtual and robotic environments—are highly correlated with high-level performance outcomes. We encode these movement properties as simple haptic cues that are conveyed to the trainee in real-time, and evaluate the effect on skill acquisition. This talk will highlight our progress over the past decade in implementing real-time haptic feedback via wearable devices to train complex motor skills.

Salah Bazzi, February 20, 2024 @ 5PM

Salah Bazzi, February 20, 2024 @ 5PM

Institute for Experiential Robotics, Northeastern University

Title: Human Control of Dynamically Complex Objects

Abstract: Despite having a slow and noisy neuromotor system, humans manage to dexterously interact with complex (nonlinear, underactuated, non-rigid) objects on a daily basis, vastly outperforming robotic manipulators. This feat of human sensorimotor control is not yet fully understood, with much of the current research in human motor control being focused on highly simplified movements. Similar to human motor control, research in primate neurophysiology has mostly focused on simple feedforward tasks that do not involve interaction with the environment. The first part of this talk will present a series of experimental studies inspired by how humans manipulate a complex object, such as transporting a cup of coffee. Different experimental manipulations of this cup-of-coffee task reveal the different strategies that humans use to computationally simplify this control problem. Using tools from dynamical systems theory, control theory, and information theory we show that humans seek control solutions that are 1) stable, 2) predictable, and 3) afford simple internal models. The neuroscience portion of the talk will conclude by presenting a recent primate study where we similarly start to investigate complex, feedback-driven motor behaviors in monkeys. To close the loop between neuroscience and robotics, the second part of the talk will be dedicated to introducing a neuroscience-inspired robot learning method. This new approach uses insights from human observational learning to teach robots manipulation skills by having them observe multiple human demonstrators with varying levels of expertise.

Todd Murphey, March 5th, 2024 @ 5PM

Todd Murphey, March 5th, 2024 @ 5PM

Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University

Title: Information Measures in Assistive Autonomy 

Abstract: In physical human-robot interaction, information is communicated through mechanical variables such as configurations, velocities, and forces, and these signals are used to determine assistive mechanical actions. Many tasks are characterized by a state trajectory, and measures of motion quality are errors expressed in that state; for instance, it is common to assess the error when a subject is reaching for a target. The goal of an assistive device could then be to minimize the trajectory error, a traditional engineering goal that is potentially ill-suited to the needs of a person. Indeed, many tasks associated with daily life are not well described by trajectory error profiles. Instead, other descriptions of motion, such as dynamic stability and spatial coverage, may be more important. This talk will discuss the use of information measures and dynamic response for assessing motion and designing assistive interventions. Experimental results include evaluation of measures that assess assistance, motor learning, and motor impairment due to brain injury. I will also discuss control strategies for closing the loop during assistance.

Paul Dizio, March 26th, 2024 @ 5PM

Paul Dizio, March 26th, 2024 @ 5PM

Psychology, Brandeis University

Title: Serial Motor Decisions in a Manual Balancing Task

Abstract: This talk presents investigations of three balancing tasks – bipedal stance, manually controlled self-balancing, and manual object balancing – comparative analysis of which permits partitioning peripheral reflexive and reflex-like mechanisms from higher level mechanisms.  Evidence will be presented that these tasks rely, to different degrees, on both alignment with respect to an external reference frame as well as reference-free intrinsic dynamic stabilization.  We have observed that the self- and object-balancing tasks are spontaneously executed with commands dominated by discrete versus proportional control, and can be performed when proportional control is experimentally prohibited.  A novel discovery is that up to 20% of discrete commands in the self- and object-balancing tasks are frankly destabilizing – tending to accelerate falls – when the task conditions are novel or difficult.  The mixture of discrete corrections and diametrically opposed destabilizations suggests a decision-like process.  The evolution of this decision-like process becomes critical in the phase of the self- and object-balancing where the time to a fall is imminent.  The evolution of this failure-sensitive, decision-like process differs between age groups, between novices and experts, and between nominal versus sensory deprived conditions.  Predicting forthcoming falls in the self- and object-balancing tasks is best in AI algorithms which embody the discrete, decision-like mode which humans exhibit.  Sensory augmentation of balancing performance improves the likelihood of time-critical corrective versus destabilizing actions.  Initial investigations of lessons from self- and object-balancing for bipedal stance will be described.

Hartmut Geyer, April 9th, 2024 @ 5PM

Hartmut Geyer, April 9th, 2024 @ 5PM

Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Title: Learning Locomotion Control at the Spinal Cord Level

Abstract: The importance of the spinal cord to locomotion control is well established. However, it is less well understood how much the spinal circuitry is involved in learning and adaptation during locomotion. We will explore this question with the help of computational models and neurophysiological experiments.  In the first part of this talk, we will use neuromuscular models of human gait to suggest that the spinal control circuitry may be learned through a transfer of control from the brain to the spinal cord. In these models, the transfer is realized by a continual heterosynaptic modulation of muscle reflex gains. In the second part, we will address if such a continual modulation of human muscle reflexes can be observed at all. To this end, we measured H-reflex changes of major leg muscles during split belt locomotion and found that when humans are exposed to novel mechanical environments, the H-reflexes continually adapt in synchrony with the observed changes in gait asymmetry. We further provide evidence that the reflex adaptations are the cause rather than the effect of these gait changes. The overall picture emerging from this research is that the spinal cord may be much more directly involved in locomotion learning and adaptation than normally assumed.

Mathew Yarossi, April 23rd, 2024 @ 5PM

Mathew Yarossi, April 23rd, 2024 @ 5PM

Physical Therapy, Elec and Comp Engineering, Northeastern University

Title: Non-invasive Mapping of Human Cortical Motor Topography: Technical Innovation, Evidence of Modularity, and Reorganization Following Stroke

Abstract: Understanding corticospinal organization of muscle activation is a long-standing goal of motor neuroscience and has profound implications for interventions aimed at enhancing motor performance in health and disease. In this talk I will overview our work using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to explore motor modularity in healthy individuals and to track reorganization of motor topography in the acute period following stroke. I will present key evidence that modularity of muscle responses to TMS resembles modularity observed during voluntary activation. I will also discuss our recent work to develop a novel experimental and computational framework for modeling multi-muscle responses to TMS of the human motor cortex using machine learning approaches. 

Recorded Talks

Past Action Club Schedule

September 19 Vittorio Caggiano
Neurology and Neuroscience, FAIR, Meta, New York City
“MyoSuite: A Platform for Advancing the Understanding and Simulation of Human Motor Control”
October 10 Thrishantha Nanayakkara 
Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
“Soft Robots as Proxies to Understand Biological Secrets Behind Complex Interactions”
October 17th Daniel Wolpert
Neuroscience, Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University
“Computational principles underlying the learning of sensorimotor repertoires”
November 14 Psyche Loui
Music Psychology, Northeastern University
“Why does music move us? Implications for neurodegenerative disorders”
December 5th Madhu Venkadesan
Mechanical Engineering, Yale University
“The Living Foot”
December 12th Patrick Slade
Bioengineering, Harvard University
“Toward Assistive Robotics in the Real World”
February 2 Adrian Haith
Neurology, Johns Hopkins University
“The development of automaticity in motor skill learning”
February 16 Max Shepherd
Mechanical Engineering and Physical Therapy, Northeastern University
“Advancing the design and control of assistive robotics: Incorporating patient and clinician preferences “
March 2 David Paydarfar
Neurology, University of Texas Austin
“Oscillopathies of Neural Control Mechanisms: Lessons From Computational Medicine”
March 23 Ed Large 
Psychology, University of Connecticut
“Universality of integer ratio biases in rhythmic movements “
April 13 Alireza Ramezani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
“Bioinspired robot locomotion through morphology (structure) and control co-design”
May 4 Paul Cisek
Neuroscience, University of Montreal, Canada 
“Neural mechanisms of interactive behavior”
September 22  Dagmar Sternad 
Biology, Electrical Engineering and Physics, Northeastern University
“From simple to complex to real skills: A task-dynamic approach to motor control with clinical applications”
October 20 Seungmoon Song
Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University
“Neuromechanical simulation of human locomotion – and its potential usage in developing assistive devices”
November 10 Nidhi Seethapathi
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“A theoretical framework for locomotor adaptation across timescales”
December 1 David Lin
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University
“Neurologic perspectives on motor control after stroke”


January 21 Eric Perreault
Biomedical Engineering and Physical Rehabilitation, Northwestern University
“The mechanics of human limbs: how they are regulated by the nervous system and how they influence neural control”
February 11 Aaron Batista
Bioengineering and Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
“Neural population mechanisms in action”
March 11 James Finley
Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, University of Southern California
“Neuromechanical Principles of Locomotor Learning: From Adaptation to Rehabilitation”
April 1 Robert Sainburg
Neurology and Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University
“Bimanual coordination and impaired coordination in stroke”
April 29 Aude Billard
Robotics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology on Lausanne (EPFL)
“Human-robot interaction”
September 26 Steve Chase
Bioengineering, Carnegie Mellon University
“Dissecting motor learning processes with brain-computer interfaces”
October 17 Steve Collins
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
“A discussion of how we design lower-limb exoskeletons and prosthetic devices”
October 31 Paul Dizio
Psychology and Neuroscience, Brandeis University
“Sensorimotor and cognitive processes in real and simulated balancing tasks”
November 21 Alexander Mathis
Rowland Institute, Harvard University
“DeepLabCut: a deep learning tool for fast, robust, and efficient 3D pose estimation”
December 5 Mehrdad Jazayeri
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“Understanding control through the lens of cortical latent dynamics”
January 16 Kreg Gruben
Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
“Biomechanics of postural control in healthy and clinical populations”
February 06 Carlos Vargas-Irwin
Neuroscience and BrainGate, Brown University
“Motor Cortex: past, present, and future”
March 05 Gabriel Diaz
Psychology and Neuroscience, Rochester Institute of Technology
“Online and predictive control strategies for guiding gaze and the hand when catching”
March 26 Ben Dongsung Huh (Cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdown)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and IBM
“Velocity-curvature relation in free movements”
April 16 Daniel Wolpert (Cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdown)
Neuroscience, Columbia University
“Probabilistic Models of Sensorimotor Control and Decision Making”
September 20 Gabe Nelson and Shervin Talebi
Boston Dynamics
“Exploiting dynamics to improve mobility and balance at Boston Dynamics”
October 11 David Lin
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, BrainGate
“Stroke Motor Recovery: Insights from Neural Structure and Function to Inform Health Systems”
October 25 Lisa Barrett
Psychology, Northeastern University
“From essences to predictions: A brain-based understanding of emotion”
November 8 Madhusudhan Venkasedan
Mechanical Engineering, Yale University
“On form and function of feet and fins”
December 13 Cara Lewis and Sandra Shefelbine
Cara: Associate Professor in Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Medicine, Boston University
Sandra: Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering, Northeastern University
“Hip pain and femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: what?s really happening?”
January 24 Lena Ting
Bioengineering, Emory University
“Revisiting muscle spindle function to understand impaired sensorimotor control”
February 21 Pawan Sinha
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“Autism as an impairment in prediction”
March 21 Jon Matthis
Psychology, UT Austin
“The Visual Control of Locomotion over Real-world Rough Terrain”
April 11 William Warren
Psychology, Brown University
“Flocks, Schools, and Crowds: How Multi-Agent Systems Solve the Degrees-of-Freedom Problem”
April 25 Sandeep Robert Datta
Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
“Inferring Internal from External State Using Motion Sequencing”
May 9 Meghan Huber
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“Enhancing Acquisition and Performance of Complex Motor Skills”
September 21 Ed Large
Psychology, University of Connecticut
“Synchronizing movement to music”
October 5 Andrew Schwartz
Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
“Recent progress toward a high-performance brain-computer interface”
October 19 Dagmar Sternad
Biology, Elect & Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
“Variability, stability and predictability in the control of dynamic objects: A task dynamic approach”
November 2 Neville Hogan
Mechanical Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“How do we do it? The paradox of human performance”
November 30 Ludovic Righetti
Mechanical Engineering, NYU and Max Planck Institute Tübingen
“Control of contact interactions in robot locomotion and manipulation”
December 7 L. Mahadevan
Neurobiology and Anatomy, Harvard University
“Error amplification in strategies and decision making”
January 19 Brian Umberger
Kinesiology and Organismic Biology, University of Massachusetts
“Energetics of human locomotion”
February 9 John Peter Whitney
Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University
“Low-impedance robot mechanics: Notes from human physiology and biomechanics”
March 16 David Vaillancourt
Applied Physiology, University of Florida
“How spatial visual information exacerbates tremor: from brain to motor unit to behavior”
April 6 Simon Giszter
Neurobiology, Drexel University
“Motor modularity: amphibians and mammals after SCI – plasticity versus circuit conservation”
April 21 Manoj Srinivasan
Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University
“Stability and Control in Human Locomotion”
January 18 Randy Trumbower
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding
“Acute intermittent hypoxia: a breath-taking approach to restore function after spinal cord injury”
February 15 Karen Adolph
Psychology, New York University
“Learning to move and moving to learn”
Abstract | Video
March 22 Steve Scott
Neuroscience, Queen’s University
“Faster than a blink of an eye: fast feedback processing for voluntary motor control”
April 5 Sangbae Kim
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“MIT Cheetah robot: a new design paradigm for physical interaction”
April 26 James Monaghan
Neurobiology, Northeastern University
“Neuroplasticity during CNS and limb regeneration in a salamander”
January 21 Aaron Batista
Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh
“Learning about learning by directly driving networks of neurons”
February 18 Mario Sznaier
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
“Perception of human movement based on control theory”
March 17 Leia Sterling
Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
“Surface electromyography as a control input for human-system interaction”
March 31 Monica Perez
Neurological Surgery, University of Miami
“Neural control of hand movements (transcranial magnetic stimulation)”
April 21 Christopher J Hasson
Physical Therapy, Movement Science, Northeastern University
“In-vivo manipulation of musculo-skeletal properties in humans”


September 24 Robert Ajemian
McGovern Institute, Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
“Neural networks, noise and motor learning”
October 15 Art Kuo
Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
“The (apparently) contradictory costs of human motion and locomotion”
November 12 Eugene Tunik
Physical Therapy, Movement and Rehablitation Sciences, Northeastern University
“New insights into M1 function: Mapping hand representation and visuomotor adaptation”
December 10 Conor Walsh
Wyss Institute, Bioengineering, Harvard University
“Enhancing and restoring mobility with soft wearable robots”


September 15 Paul Dizio
Psychology and Neuroscience, Brandeis University
“Control and perception of dynamic balance”
October 13 Harry Asada
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“Humans can control supernumerary limbs independently and simultaneously with their natural limbs”
October 27 David Ostry
Psychology and Neuroscience, McGill University & Haskins Laboratory
“Structure and acquisition of sensorimotor maps”
November 10 Scott Frey
Rehabilitation Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine
“Plasticity in the adult brain: lessons from current and former amputees”
December 1 Joo-Hyun Song
Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences, Brown University
“Paradoxical modulation of motor actions by attention”
September 12 Dagmar Sternad
Biology, ECE, Physics, Northeastern University
“Variability and Stability in Skill Learning and Retention”
October 3 Neville Hogan
Mechanical Engineering, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“Controlling Physical Interaction”
October 24 Andy Ruina
Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
“Gilders, Bicycles, and Walking Robots – From Passive Dynamics to Active Control”
November 21 Bence Olveczky
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
“Functional Modularity in Motor Skill Learning”
December 12 Matthew Goodwin
Health and Computer Science, Northeastern University
“Developing and Applying Wireless Physiological Activity Sensors to Study Individuals with Autism”
January 10 Hermano Igo Krebs
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“Distinct Robotic Training Protocols Differentially Alter Motor Recovery in Chronic Stroke”
February 7 Brett Fajen and Jonathan Matthis
Cognitive Science, RPI
“Guiding Locomotion in Complex and Dynamic Environments”
February 28 David Paydarfar
Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Wyss Institute, Harvard University
“Neural Oscillators on the Edge: Harnessing Noise to Promote Stability”
March 21 Frank Guenther
Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, BU
“The Neural Mechanisms of Speech: From Computational Modeling to Neural Prosthesis”
April 11 Tamar Flash
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute, Israel
“Motor Planning, Timing, Perception and Coordination: Seeking Common Principles across Tasks and Levels of Representation”
May 23 Alvaro Pascual-Leone
Neurology, Harvard Medical School
“Modulating Brain Networks to Promote Functional Rehabilitation”
January 23 Jooeun Ahn
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“A Simple but Adequate Model of Human Walking”
February 13 Vittorio Caggiano
McGovern Institute, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“Optogenetics in Motor Control”
March 13 Terry Sanger
Neurology, Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
“Risk-Aware Control of Movement”
April 10 Dava Newman
Aeronautics, Astronautics and Engineering Systems, MIT
“Assessing Astronaut Performance across the Spectrum of Gravity”
May 8 Armin Fuchs
Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences and Department of Physics Florida Atlantic University
“Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries – Acute State and Short-Term Recovery”
May 22 Peter Strick
Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh
“Neuroanatomy of the Brain – Two Stories:
Basal Ganglia Circuits: Thinking Outside the Traditional ‘Loops’
What is the Neural Basis of the ‘Mind-Body Connection?'”
January 12 Eve Marder
Biology, Brandeis University
“A Variability, Homeostasis, and Modulation in a Rhythmic Motor Network”
February 2 CJ Heckman
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
“Reverse engineering motor output to identify the detailed structure of motor commands”
February 23 Cara Stepp
Biomedical Engineering, Boston University
“Voluntary Control of Anterior Neck Musculature in Individuals with Dysphagia”
March 15 Heidi Schambra
Neurology, Columbia University
“Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) – A Primer: What it Does, How it Works”
March 29 Mark Shelhamer
Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
“Prediction and Adaptation in Saccades, and the Role of Fractal Correlations”
April 12 Daniel Corcos
Neuroscience, University of Illinois at Chicago
“A Comparison of the Effects of Progressive Resistance Exercise and Flexibility and Balance Exercise on Parkinson’s Disease”
June 7 Devin Jindrich
Kinesiology, California State University
“The LIMB Lab: Comparative Biomechanics and Motor Control, with Applications to Ergonomics and Rehabilitation”
August 2 Andrea d’Avella
Laboratory of Neuromotor Physiology, University of Rome
“Muscle Synergies for Motor Control”
September 20 Michael Turvey
Psychology, University of Connecticut
“Human Odometry: Experiments and Theoretical Implications”
October 25 Dan Ferris
Bioengineering, University of Michican
“Robotic Exoskeletons and Mobile Brain Imagings for Human Locomotion”
Novermber 8 Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi
Rehabilitation institute of Chicago, Northwestern University
“Learning to Move and Learning to Push”
December 13 Rob Howe
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science
“Why do simple robot grippers work as well as human hands?”
January 13 Natalia Dounskaia
Life Sciences, Arizona State University)
“Directional preferences of arm movements: A window to factors influencing formation of multi-joint movements”
February 3 Jack Dennerlein
School of Public Health, Harvard University
“Motor Control in Ergonomics: Applications in Human Computer Interfaces”
February 17 Paul Dizio
Psychology and Neuroscience, Brandeis University
“Coordination of Reaching Movements with Whole-body Motion”
March 10 Andrew Spence
Royal Veterinary College, University of London, England
“Insects on rubber and dogs on springs: Sensing and perturbing moving animals to understand the neuromechanical basis of locomotion”
March 17 Richard Marsh
Biology, Northeastern University
“Preflexes or Reflexes? Mechanisms for maintaining stability on uneven terrain during rapid running”
April 14 Francisco Valero-Cuevas
Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
“Computational models as a means to test hypotheses about neuromuscular systems: How far have we come?”
May 19 John Krakauer
Neurology, Johns Hopkins University
“Motor learning: Is it one thing or many different things?”
June 2 Rebecca Spencer
Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
“The role of sleep in consolidation of motor learning in young and older adults”
June 30 Avijit Bakshi
Physics and Neuroscience, Brandeis University
“Analysis of Human Balance in Various Force Environments”
September 8 Tamar Flash
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute, Israel
“Motion Planning, perception and compositionality: Time arising from a mixture of geometries”
September 15 Matthew Tresch
Biomedical Engineering, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University
“Actions and activations of hindlimb muscles in the rat”
October 6 Edwin Robertson
Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University
“Interference between Different Memory Systems”
October 20 Ed Large
Center of Complex Systems and Brain Sciences and Psychology, Florida Atlantic University
“Resonating to Rhythm”
November 10 Andrew Biewener
Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
“Assessing in vivo neuromuscular function: implications for control of muscle function across locomotor behaviors”
December 1 Amy Bastian
Neurology, Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University
“Understanding and Optimizing Human Motor Learning”
December 8 Dinesh Pai
Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Canada
“Computational Models of Sensorimotor Biomechanisms”
September 16 Dagmar Sternad
Biology, ECE, & Physics, Northeastern University
“Variability and stability in interactive tasks: from motor learning to neuro-recovery”
September 30 Tom Roberts
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Brown University
“Fast, cheap and out of control: dynamic interactions of elastic structures and muscle motors”
October 14 Marco Santello
Bioengineering, Arizona State University
“Learning and Transfer of Dexterous Manipulation”
November 4 Richard Ivry
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University of California at Berkeley
“Competitive and Inhibitory Processes during Action Selection”
December 9 Vincent Cheung
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“The Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches to Studying Motor Learning”
September 3 Ken Holt
Physical Therapy, Boston University
“Learning the Dynamics of Human Walking”
September 24 Joe Perkell
Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT
“Movement goals and feedback and feedforward control mechanisms in speech production”
October 15 Jean-Jacques Slotine
Mechanical Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
“What Robotics may yet Learn from the Brain”
November 5 Simon Giszter
Neurobiology and Anatomy, Drexel University
“The neural basis of motor primitives”
December 3 Daniel Bullock
Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University
“Modeling basal ganglia contributions in reward prediction, action selection, and performance”
January 21 Cara Lewis
Physical Therapy, Boston University
“Altering Hip Mechanics during Ambulation”
February 11 John Jeka
Kinesiology, University of Maryland
“Control of Multiple Degrees of Freedom during Human Upright Stance”
March 18 Simon Giszter
Neurobiology and Anatomy, Drexel University
“Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury: Roles of Voluntary and Reflex Trunk Control and Modularity in Spinalized Rats”
March 31 Jim Collins
Biomedical Engineering, Boston University
“Turn Up the Noise: Noise-Enhanced Human Sensorimotor Function”
April 29 Madhu Venkadesan
Engineering & Applied Sciences and Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
“Collisions of Fingers and Feet”
May 13 William Warren
Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University
“Behavioral Dynamics of Trajectory Formation in Human Locomotion”
June 3 Robert Ajemian
Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
“Re-examining the debate about the functional role of motor cortex”
June 22 Paul Gribble & Jeremy Wong
University of Western Ontario
“Sensory Changes Accompanying Motor Learning”
January 22 Elliot Saltzman
Physical Therapy, Boston University
“Inter-unit Timing in Speech Production: Pattern, Stability, and Hierarchy”
February 12 Joseph Ayers
Biology, Northeastern University
“Controlling Biomimetic Underwater Robots with Electronic Nervous Systems”
March 5 Igo Krebs
Mechanical Engineering, MIT
“Neurorehabilitation and Robotics: What Have We Learned So Far”
March 26 Emilio Bizzi
Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
“My Take on What We Know and What We Do Not Know about the Vertebrate Motor System”
April 16 Paul Dizio
Psychology, Brandeis University
“Motor adaptations to limb and object dynamics in human arm movements”
May 14 Maurice Smith
Engineering and Applied Science & Center for Brain Science, Harvard University
“Credit Assignment, Time-scales, and Basic Elements in Motor Learning (Understanding of the Nitty-Gritty Details of Motor Learning and its Practical Import)”
June 4 Richard Marsh
Biology, Northeastern University
“Mechanics and Energetics of In Vivo Muscle Function”
July 2 Round Table Discussion on:
“Falsification as Scientific Stragegy in Movement Neuroscience”
with short presentations by:
Neville Hogan, Mechanical Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
Eliot Saltzman, Physical Therapy, Boston University
Richard Marsh, Biology, Northeastern University
Paul DiZio, Psychology and Neuroscience, Brandeis University
Robert Ajemian, Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
Alex Byrne, Philosophy, MIT
© 2024 Northeastern University